Saturday 1 March 2014

Thiruvanamalai temple visit

In Thiruvanamali god has been manifest as lingam, hill and Joyti(Fire) in three forms is the specialty of Thiruvanamali isthalam.
As per purana the Lord Siva Had given darshan to Lord Brama and Visnu, while Brama try to see His head and Vishnu try to see His feet but neither Brama nor Visnu could find His head as well as feet, after wards lord Siva become Jyoti and given darsan to Brama and Visnu, then cooled and settled us mountain in this place to give Darsan to all of us. Hence this hill has been considered as Lord Siva here. Here the Arunachala hill itself considered as LINGAM, hence making Girivalam around the hill will purify us. In this hill top normally no one allowed to go, during Karthigai Deepam time only people alight on hill top.
Famous writer Pal brandan says In his book in this hill the individual gods sitting in Tapus  and couple gods loves each other and mountain is occupied with rich spiritual souls and very powerful.
 It is one the oldest mountain in the world and being alive, it has got movement in its core and hence called as Hollow hill by researcher of foreign people. From this hill the light illumination happening always, the vibration around the hill powerful one can feel the same during Girivalam time. As per Purana the hill has got many connectivity to lord Siva temple from here, this can be assessed by Spirituals souls by their Sutchama body. Many rishis had made Tabus and got enlightment in this Hill, some of them listed below.
1.Deiva Sigamani desiya Paramachariya Swamigal.
2.Mangarkarasi Ammayar
3.Panipathra Swamigal
4.Dhakshanamoorthy Swamigal.
5.Ammani ammayar
6.Annamali swamigal
7.Alazgananda azhgan
8.Kugai Namachivayar
9.Guru Namachivayar.
11.Sesadri swamigal
12.Ramana Magarishi
13.Yogi Ramsarat kumar
There are eight Lingam around the hill in eight direction, they placed in 45 degree between each other is so accurate. The eight lingam from temple clockwise as follows.
1.Indira Lingam(Eat direction)
 2. Agni Lingam(South east direction)
 3.Yama lingam (South direction)
4.Niruthi lingam(South west direction)
5.Varuna lingam(West direction)
6.Vayu lingam(North west direction)
7.Kubara lingam(North direction)
8.Esanya lingam(North east direction)
  In Kiruta yugam devotees got blessing of god by making mediatation towards him, In Tirata yugam devotees got blessing of god by making Yagna towardsHim, In Tulabarat yugam devotees got blessing of God by making Pure karamas (action) in their world life. In this Kaliyugam people engaged with lot of activities with urgent commitment, no one has much time to do yoga, tabus, it has been identified by our ancestors they made simple procedure like chanting mantras with more devotion and discipline way while making Girivalam to purify us. Lakhs  of devotees especially in full moon day making Girivalam in Thirunanamali to get blessing of Lord Annamalai.
The God in this temple Has been called as Aruna(Red)+asalam(Hill)=Arunachalam(Red hill).

Here Karthigai Deepam festival has been carried out for 10 days more famous, to make remembrance of Lord Siva had given half of His body to Goddess Parvati and Become Harthanariswarar in Karthigai month and in Kiruthigai day, hence this day has been celebrated as KARTHIGAI DEEPAM festive here.