Saturday 31 December 2016

The sholingur has consists three hill temple  it almost  looks like all in one line at different hill tops with 3km vicinity and one land temple called as Ore thirukoil which accommodate Baktosita perumal and Adikesa perumal vigras.This temple is one of the 108 Divya desam temples of  Vaisnavas. In this temple Namalwar, Thirumangaialwar and Peyalwar sang the devotional rhymes.

 In big hill Yoga narasimar and small hill Anjaneyar temple located respectively, at the third hill at little far the lord Subramanian temple is there on the way from  sholingur and arakonam route.
These temples can be easily approachable either from arokonam or shoilngur railway station.While going  I had catch Jolarpet- Arakonam  passenger and alight at sholingur about 8.30 am. from here by share auto 12km to kondapalayalam foothills where 30 ft anjaneyar welcomes you adjacent to the Main road and behind anjaneyar statue Bramaha theertham or thakan kulam is there with fully fenced around not able to enter inside the water from the pond is pumped into barrel that can be utilized for your bath or rinsing of hand and leg. People do their head shave offering here, than precede to main temple from here 2km to yoga Narasimar temple. 
Also I saw the people throwing coins in the tank, which is also observed in current days. Earlier in those days the coins were made of metals like gold, silver, copper and brass, the water absorbs some properties of its and added value. These days the coins are made of stainless steel. Which will become rust over the period? In following the rituals, one should understand the context and reasons behind the activities and follow the appropriate one.

 The sholingur and its adjacent economy are based on agriculture hence you can find beautiful cultivation land and mango trees on the way accompany by the hills at background. For breakfast better choice is your own arrangement  since good hotels not on the way only katpadi railway station is somewhat reasonable station where you can get  your Tiffin or house made idly sold by vendors in train is a alternative choice, if you reach earlier to sholingur you can visit Lakshmi narasimar temple nearby Bus stand than have food in Balaji bhavan hotel adjacent  to bus stand here food ok,  and surrounding environment is moderate this is the only choice other hotels not good. From here 4 km to Yoga Narasimar temple you can take auto or can walk.
The Yoga Narasimarmain temple have 1314 steps at an altitude of 750 ft high, at the start of the step left side you can see Narasima theertham and right side Veera Anjaneya swami  and Bakta anjaneya swami small temple available after making pooja here people start claiming to main temple on the way  lot of monkeys were available to snatch your food items and belongings to safe guard from these monkeys, sticks were sold at bottom if you need take along with you, while claiming about 700th steps right side you can find old temple in demolished condition just opposite to that people stacker rocks praying towards God and fulfill their  offering request.
Upon claiming all steps the Main Gopuram welcomes  you at hill top after crossing at Flag post make your prayer than Amirthavalli thayar sanctrum make your offerings than finally precede to Yoga Narasimar sanctrum. The unique of this temple is that Lord Yoga Narasimha (big deity) on the hill-top is seated in a yoga posture with Salagrama Hara (necklace) and Chaturbuja (four arms). He holds Sanka (conch) and Chakra (discus) on two arms. The other two arms signify a meditative posture. The Narasimha opens his eyes from his meditation during the Tamil month of Karthigai, which falls on November-December months, and blesses his devotees. Hence, he has delegated his authority to Goddess Amirtha Valli thayar to grants instantly boons to the devotees who come to this temple.
 In this santrum at the entrance  Karuda alwar facing towards Yoga Narasimar welcomes you,just atitsbehind theVamadevar, vasistar, katyabur,atheri, jamatkani, gouthamarand baratwajar saints statur were locatedfacing towards gods.Upon these saints request the Lord Narasimar shown his darsan here for a moment(kadigai) hence this place has been called as Kadigachalam.This name has been called as Thirukadigai by Alwars, Cholasimapuram by achariyas, The sivets called as Chola linga puram finally the present name has been called as Solingapuran or sholingur. It is also believed that Sage Viswamithra meditated here and obtained the Brahma Rishi title.The Brahma Kaivartha Purana descripe the kadikachalam kshetram history in detail you can refer for more detail.

After climp down at the exit the right side road take you to the Anjaneya Swamy Temple, very small temple but peaceful and divine. If you walk another half a kilometer a pandava theertham at the left side welcomes you at foothill entrance, From here you have climb 406 steps to reach hanuman mandir. Hanuman has four arms (chatusbuja) with a Sanka and Chakra in two arms. Here Hamuman is known as Yoga Anjaneyar. He is also seated in a yogic posture with a Jap Mala and Jap Sanka and meditating upon Lord Narasimhan. Lord Hanuman here protects devotees and grants them various boons. Nowhere else in India is Lord Hanuman seen with Sanka and Chakra given by Lord Narasimha himself to protect the devotees? Lord Rama Patabisheka is engraved on his Krida (crown) of Hanuman
,It is believed that Indirathuyman, the King of North Madurai killed the asura Nikumban and saved the region and he helped the rishis and bhaktas, he was given the Vajrayudham by Indiran (Weapon of Indiran). The Lord Yoga Narasimhar asked Anjaneyar to help him and after the asura was killed, Anjaneyar was asked to give darsan in this yoga posture and to give boons to his devotees,. Sacred Thirumanjanam and poojas are performed for Lord Anjaneyar on all Sundays due to the killing of the asura took place on a Sunday. The temple also accomodate Lord Rama, Sri Ranganathar in laid posture. After having darshan, you can have Puliyohara and Curd rice, at this temples.The Temple Tank at the hill of Sri Anjaneya swamy is believed to be having medicinal properties. 
From Sholingur one can head towards Tirutanni and visit The Hill temple of Lord Subramania along with his consorts Valli Devani later on proceed to thirupati Balaji temple.

Upon completion of my pilgrimage  I had chosen Sholingur to Arakonam route which is 27KM stretch and took almost 45 miniutes by bus to reach Arakonam  bus junction, from here local auto take you to arakonam railway station for Rs.20 by sharing. There are Government Buses and Private buses too Available for Arakonam,  they charge around Rs 17/- per ticket from sholingur,  unless you ask they won’t give tickets (In india most of the rural places this practice you can find). From  Arakonam to Chennai lot of local as well as fast trains available to Chennai it is just 60km distance from here.

Thursday 29 December 2016


God Name-Vaidyanath, 
The Ravana bulit the ancient  temple during  Ramayana period and it has been named in the name of hunter as Pijunath who made regular Pooja to this lingam.Latter on this name has been converted as Vaidyanath in practice.The Mouriya and Gupta kings maintained this temple well in those days.The main lingam his 11’’ height

This temple has got 21 Shrines in its premises for  Parvathi,Jagath janani, Ganesh, Brhama, Santhiya devi, Kala biravar, Anjaneyar, Mansadevi, Saraswathi, Sun, Bhagaladevi, Ramlakshmana janaki, Gangajanvi, Ananda Biravar, Gourisankar, Narmadeshwara mahadevar, Dharadevi, Kali, Annapurna, Lakshminarayana and Neelakandeshwaran.

Get into the Delhi-Howarh-Chennai train and alight at jasetive railway station from their 6 km by road you can reach deogarh temple. It is 281 kms from Patna as well as 230 km from Jamshedpur from asunsul 70km only.
The Ravanan king to get stable pleasure life, to become stornger than all and not to be destroy hin by any warior in this world.To get the aforesaid, he made Tabus towards Lord siva and chant the Lord Siva Mantras for 10 crores times finally he decided to cut his left out one head also,  whilst the Almighty appeared  and offered him the varam of his desire.He  want to test his power as per Saint Narda Advice he try to remove Kailayam hills and shift the same to srilanga.It had created lot of shake to kailaya hills due to that the  Devi and lord siva were got disturbed and cursed Ravana as your hands wil be get cut by one of my of Mahapurush going to get Avatar in this world soon.The lord by his left leg thump finger pressed the kailayam hill to settle back.The Ravana hands trapped in the bottom of the hill.As per Vagesa saint advice the Ravana sang the Samaveda by hearing his nice Samaveda ryhmes lord siva got pleasure mode and rscued the Ravana from this tragedy.Upon hearing his statement in the desire  to keep HIM in lanka he try to remove the kailayam pl. forgive my lord for this blind mistakes.Siva had offered him Atma linga on one condition basis.i.e He should not keep this lingam in the floor on the way while proceeding to srilanka upon reaching lanka ask him to install it there and make a regular prayer  to this linga you will not get defeated by any one.
The Saint Narada conveyed this enriched power will be attained by Ravana when he install the Atma lingam in lanka.In order to avoid this is to happen  INDIRAN seeks  VISHNU  help and the VISHNU gave an idea to VARUNA to make Ravana feel thrust and fill his stomach with water  due to this Ravana felt urine.The Ravana tried manyways not to keep linga in the floor, but due to urine emergency he requested one boy(Vishnu came as boy ) come on this way to hold this lingam went for urinal.By the time he returun back the lingam has been kept in place called Sitapoomela present day Vaidyanath temple premises in Deogarh.On his return Ravana found the lingam in the floor he try to remove since it is Jothilingam not able to shack by Ravana finaaly he left the lingam there and went to Lanka.After several years back while his return to india he found this lingam has been maitained by Pijunath(hunter)  on his request he made one well called chandirakoop you can find this now also and built the temple too named after this hunter name.
Chandirakoop well
In the sarvan month (June to August months) people bring ganga Kavadi from 107Km distance to this temple for Iswar  Abisekam purpose.During this period the Lord Siva had poison and kept it in his throat due to that his body become warm to cool HIM  the linga has been washed with ganga water latter on with vilva tree leaves it is covered. It is believed it cools HIS body  i.e lacks of people took holy kavadi during this period.The devotee chant with Mantra of  Boolo bum—Boolo bum—Boola bum  all the way and carry out the Ganga kavadi procession.

The Statue of Ravana with his 10 head. It is revealed in our scared books Ravana carried out tabus in this place and got Atma lingam from lord Siva.
1.Sultan gunge 2.Siva Ganga 3.Bakshinath mandir 4.Trikut parvath
5.Navlaka mandir 6.Sri Sri mohan mandir 7.Nandan hill 8.Ankulthakur satsang
9.Navadurga temple 10.Satsungnagar 11.Pagal baba ashram

Monday 19 December 2016

KASI  VISWANATHAR  TEMPLE                                                                                                                                                                  God name – Viswanathar, Goddess name-Annapurani.                                                                                                                 The temple can be approached from a lane called Vishwanatha lane.The temple is surrounded by many subsidiary shrines. A well called Jnana Vapi is also located to the north of the main temple. As one enters the temple from the southern side the first temple to the left of the pilgrim are three temples in a row one behind the other – Vishnu, Virupakshi Gauri and Avimukta Vinayaka. A cluster of five lingas enclosed in a temple is called Nilakantheshvar temple. Just above the Avimukteshvara Vinayaka are temples of Shanishvara and Virupaksha.To the right just near the entrance is the temple enshrining a linga called Avimukteshvara.There is a controversy regarding the original Jyotirlinga at the place, which suggests that not the Vishwanatha but the Avimukteshvara is the original jyotirlinga.                                                                                                            It is also one of the Padal Petra isthalam of Vada naadu mentioned in Thevaaram.The temple is situated in varanashi the holiest existing place of Hindus, It is believed that a visit to Kasi ensures liberation & hence pious Hindus seek a visit during their lifetime.It is customs followed pour the remains of cremated ancestors ash on the River Ganges to liberate the Atma from their wordly bondage. Manikarnica ghat is the place where countless Hindus have been cremated.  The kasi is famous for Devotas worship, Ancistor (Pindadaan) worship and Poodha worship. Varanashi got its name from two rivers, Varana and Asi flow here.                                                                                                              The temple stands on the western bank of the holy river Ganga, and is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas. It is the holiest of all Shiva temples.The main deity is known by the name vishwanath or Vishweshwara meaning Ruler of the universe. The temple town, which claims to be the oldest living city in the world, with 3500 years of documented history, is also called Kashi and hence the temple is popularly called Kashi vishwanath temple.                                            
The lingam is placed in a square shaped brass plated pit. Devotees are permitted to offer worship such as abhishekam with holy Ganga water, garlanding the Lord, aarathi, etc. personally to the swaymbhu lingam. Kasi has got 11 nos.  Swambu (naturally formed) lingas, Devotas installed 46 nos. lingas, Rishis installed 47 Nos. lingas, Gragahas installed 7 Nos. lingas, Kanangal worshiped 40 Nos. lingas, others devotees installed 295 lingas, the replica of other famous temple lingas 65 Nos. there fore all together 511 Nos. lingas you can see now also.                                                                                                                  
       The kasi is famous for Devotas worship, Ancistor worship and Poodha worship. Kasi is amongst the holy spots for visit by the Hindus. It is believed that a visit to Kasi ensures liberation & hence pious Hindus seek a visit during their lifetime. This is the location of the Benares Hindu University, the place of learning of several aspects of Hindu culture. Here Parvathi Devi was so pleased that she offered food (Annam) to one and all and hence is worshipped as Annapoorani. The Lord himself is seen with a bowl in his hands asking for Annam from the seated Devi at the Devi's shrine adajacent to Viswanathar's shrine. This is considered to be one of the 52 Sakthipeedams (the place where Parvathi's left hand fell, when her corpse was cut by Mahavishnu's sudarsana chakram).                                                                               After taking holy dip in Ganga the devotees take Ganga water and make Abishekam to lingam.By doing so it is believed the seven birth sins were purified. TEMPLE BUILT                                                                                                                                   Kasi means light emission place.It has got 1800 temples comprises different discipline followed in Hindu. Kasi had very old historical things in it as per evidence the ARIYA’S who lived in this place 1400 BC.From Mahabharat also lot of references  reveals about Kasi  rulers.The ancient temple existance had been revealed in Mahabharat , The old temple had been detroyed several times by invaders, the recents temple was built in 1785 CE by Agalyabai queen.                                                                                            First attack: In 1193 the Afganisthan leader Gori Mohamed defeated the King Jayachandira and captured Kasi town.He destroyed many temple over here and built mosque on top of that, in 1194 he destroyed entire viswanathar temple Latter on the destroyed temples were built up whenever possible by Hindus.                                                Second attack: In 13th century the Allaudin kilji attacked this town and destroyed many temple here.                                                                                                                             Third attacK: In 1447 due to other foreign people attack it was destroyed, again the temple was built ip.                                                                                                                       Fourth attack: In 1494 due to other foreign people attack it was destroyed, again the temple was builtup.Latter on confidentially this temple has been kept and poojas were carried out regularly for 300 years.During king Akbar period, the pandit RAJA PATAR got permission from akbar and built the new temple with the help of RAJA THODARMAL and completed this temple in 1585 CE.                                                                                                                                                                                 FIFTH ATTACK: In 1669 April month the mogal king Aurangasip destroyed this temple roofs, by utilizing the old temple pillars on top that the mosques has been built, this you can witness during your visit near to the present temple.
SACRED LINGA IN SECRET PLACE FOR 116 YEARS:                                                                                                                               From 1669 CE to 1785 CE the linga had been kept in Nanavabi well, when Ahgalyabai built new temple in 1785 the lingam has been taken out from here and installed in present temple by great her effort  handsoff to her.. She also made arrangement for Lord Ramnathar to get Ganga water and Lord Viswanath to get Rameshwarm kodi thirtham water for Abishegam purpose. Here the Garpagirh kept in one corner, due to special instruction received by people by ASRI voice during  temple construction time.As per sastra (astrology ) norms  we should not make  NAMSKAR  to God here in Garbagirah, instead of that you have to make namaskar in Kukada mandapam.                                                                                       In 1839 the king of Punjab ranjit singh offerd 30 Kg gold for Gopuram roof to cover with gold sheet.In 1842 in the temple entrance, the NAUPATH KANA was built by NAVAB ALI ALMULK the ruler of kasi as per the instruction from British East Indian company first president WARAN HASTINGS.                                                                           TEMPLE HISTORY                                                                                                                                                                                                   In kasi the vishnu had created one holy well and continued his tabus there towards lord siva.Lord siva carry the Parvathi on HIS shoulder and made Kora thandavam, during this course the parvathi’s ear ring fallen on earth.The Lord siva coveyed this message to the Lord Vishnu and asked him where about her ear ring.The Vishnu shows this holy well may be in this available.While Lord siva bowed and look at the well his ear ring (kundalam) also fallen into that.Upon lord siva departure from there with powerful illumination lingam has came out from the well. It is believed that both of them ear ring would have converted as lingam. Hence this lingam has been considered as Arthanarishwarar (Combination shape of parvathi and ishwar).                                                                    The Lord vishnu took this illuminating lingam from there and installed in sacred place and made regular pooja to this and continued his Tabus there.Lord Siva inspired by Lord Vishnu’s tabus towrds HIM.HE shown his VISWARUPAM to HIM(vishnu)  and ask HIS desire.The Lord  vishnu requested  HIM to settle in this jotirlingam and bless all of these world being from here,  whoever come to this place with strong devotion, their sin to be melted down and to be purified person by taking bath in this holy  Ganga.The Lord Siva considered HIS request and continuing HIS bless to all of us from here.
PUNNIYA THERTHAMS                                                                                                                                                                                The temple adjacent located Nanavabi called in many names as Siva thirtham, Nana thirtham, tharaga thirtham and Motcha thirtham.It is believed lord siva in water form in this thirtham.The ganga river has got 64 Ghats in its bank here, out of that the Five Ghats are famous for taking holy bath and MAKING pooja for ancestor called as PITHRUKARIYAM they are Asi Ganga ghat, Thasatchva medam ghat, Varana Ganga ghat, Manikarnika ghat.                                                                      Don’t miss to have bath in sacret ganga in your lifetime.Kasi is famous for Ganga holy bath it has got various ISNANA places to take a holy bath,  for going to that places boats (thoni) are available. During your visit take a holy bath in below mentioned ISNANA stages in order wise.                                                                                                                                                    1. Asi stage 2. Tulusidas stage 3. Anuman stage (where you can find tamil pandit more).4. Harichandra stage 5.Kedara stage 6. Annapurna stage 7.Dasaaswamedha stage 8. Manikarnika stage 9.Panchaganga stage 10. Varuna
Apart from above the other stages are Janaki, Sivaala, Prayana, Thiruluchana, Meera and Pragalatha stages are available with nicely made steps along the river banks to take a holy bath. 

Munshi Ghat

Shamesnwar Ghat

PUJA TIME AND PROCEDURE:                                                                                                                                                                                The temple is kept open from 5.30 in the morning and stays so till 12 in the noon. The temple usually remains closed during the noon hours, and reopens in the evening at 4 p.m. The temple closes in the night after the last pujas are performed by 8 p.m. The pilgrims visit the temple any time of the day and worship the Lord by offering flowers and vilva leaves and chanting mantras of Shiva.The evening Aarati is known as Shringar Aarati. During this Aarati the linga is decorated with variety of flowers.
The temple boasts of a mandapa and a sanctum. A linga made of black stone is well placed in the center of the floor in a square silver altar inside the sanctum. The interior is not very extensive. Pilgrims come here to perform abhishekam to the pious Jotirlingam with holy Ganges water.  Pilgrims can pay homage to the Lord at any time of the day.The Dhandapani murthi who is sitting with stick in Nanavabi noth entrance gets first pooja, then only Viswanathar gets pooja this is the tradation followed here.Finally people before leave from kasi gets permission from Kala Biravar then only proceed to home town.
OTHER PLACES TO SEE                                                                                                                                                                          In kasi other famous temples are Madhavarahi, Annapurani in this temple Deepavali featival carried out grandly wih charot made up of loddu, after end of the season almost at midnight ,the luddu’s from the charot is distributed to devotees. Sakshi ganaesha, Dundi ganesha, visalatchi temple, Manasa mandir, Khushmanda durga mandir,Kamakoteshwar temple, Kanchi kamakodi mut, kedariswarar  temple renovated by Kumara kurupa swamigal  here the boarding/lodging  are provided for south indians, Sirungeri mut,Varahi amman temple,  apart from that kasi has got 12 types of TUVAADHASA  JOTHIRLINGAMS in different location they are  
Kedariswarar-Omkariswarar-Vathiya natheswarar
There is a famous saint saying :                                                        
Having birth in Thiruvarur ledas to Mukthi.                                                                              
Living in Kanchi leads to Mukthi.                                                                       
Remembering Thiruvannamali Arunachalasewarar leads to Mukthi.                                                                                                       
Fasting in Narmada river banks leads to Mukthi.                                                                    
Death takes place in Kasi leads to Mukthi.                                                                                                                                                    Most of the Hindus prefered to die in Kasi to have a Mukthi.                                                                            

CLASSICAL GANGA AARTHI PERFORMED BY TEAM daily at evening before sunset pl watch this during your visit.

Thursday 6 October 2016

                                                                காடுகள் நமது தெய்வம் 

இயற்கை நமக்கு  அளித்த கொடைகளில் காடுகள் நமக்கு இன்றியமாத வரப்பிரசாதம்.

அதனை பேணி காத்தல் நமது அனைவரின் கடமை, ஏனென்றால் தெவிட்டாத தேனின்பம் அதனை காணும் தறுவாயில்  ஏட்படுகிறது.

எல்லாம் யந்திர மயமாகி செயற்கை உலகில் வாழ விலழைத்திண்ட நாம் இயற்கையின் மடியில் சுரண்ட ஆரம்பித்து அதன் மடியினை வருடி வருடி வறண்ட செய்கிறோம்.

சுதந்திரம் அடைந்த தருவாயில் 34% ஆக இருந்த காடுகள் தற்போழுது 21.34% ஆக இந்தியாவில் உள்ளது,  இது உலக காடுகள் 30.825% விட குறைந்து விட்டது.

நாம் அல்ல அல்ல அர்ப்பணிக்கும் அமுத சுரபி அல்ல இயற்கை இதை பேணுதல் நம் வாழ்வில் வசந்தத்தை வீசும், நம் இளமையை பேணும்.

இவை அளிக்கும் கொடைகளு எத்தனை!

அடர்ந்த காடுகளில் நாம் அலாதியாக திரிகையில் ஏட்படும் அளவற்ற ஆனந்தம்!

ஆர்ப்பரிக்கும் அருவிகளும், சலசலக்கும் நீரோடைகளும், சஞ்சலமான நம் மனதை சஞ்சலமற செய்வதும்

ரிங்காரம் இடும் வண்டுகளும், இதமாய் கூவும் குயில்களும் ஓசை நம் மனதை சாந்தத்தில் விழ்த்துவதும்                                                                                           இனி காண இயலுமா நாம் இதனை இங்கனும் அழிக்கையில்?

சாந்தத்தை தேடி தேடி எங்கும் அழைந்தேன் உன்னை  மரணித்து நான் பயணம் செய்கையிலே என்று அலறும் நாள் வெகு அருகிலே என்பதை நாம் உணர்ந்து காடுகளை பேணுவோம்.

மரங்களை நடுவோம்  அதனை வளர்ப்போம்

உங்கள் ஆதரவில் உயர்த்துவம் காடுகளின் அடர்வை. 

Sunday 11 September 2016


How to proceed:   Chandigarh--Kalka--Dharampur--Kumarhati--Solan--Shimla

Best time to visit shimla is March to June the average temperatures during summers are between 14°C and 20°C and with a maximum touching about 30°C. Those who want to enjoy with snows can visit in winter begins in October and lasts till February but snowfalls you can find mid of December on wards hence the Christmas time you can visit this place to enjoy culture activity too. The minimum temperature during winters can go as low as -7°C with maximum never crossing 15°C.Monsoon period is july to September.
I had visited the shimla during august month end it was rainy season I could able to see lot of land slides on the roads, of course my travel without any disturbance proceeded well. From Chandigarh ISBT bus terminus you will get an average 20 minutes one bus available, the bus can reach shimla 3.5 hrs to 5hrs depends upon type of bus service. The train takes almost  8 hrs journey time from kalka to shimla. While going by bus the most of the sceneries falls on right side of the window especially after crossing kalka you can find deep valley follow on right side from there the real hill journey start on the way solan is the biggest town almost half of the way to shimla. During your journey from kumarhatti to jabli you can find lot of pine trees engulfed forest in the valleys.
The tour package has been divided as Natural scenery and adventure package in shimla.Apart from this you can visit the following temples here.
1.Taradevi temple located in Shogi 10km from shimla
2.Kali bari temple located near Scandal point in shimla.
3.Sankat mochan temple 7km from shimla.
4. Kali temple 10km from shimla on the way to Naldera.
5.Jakku temple in shimla hill top
6. Old Christ church in Ridge

5.Shoolni temple in Solan

Old christ church in Ridge


hanuman statuein jakku temple

kali temple

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Devagiri hill top

devagiri lord siva cave temple


koraput jagannath temple

Delhi temple

Some Delhi famous temples to fulfill your temple visit.
For a traveler New Delhi is limited to shopping, Mughal architecture like Red fort, Humayun’s Tomb and  visiting indai gate, Rastrapati bhavan, Pariliment house, Rajghat and end with tour by visiting nearby world wonder in Tajmahal in Agra.I would like to brought to the notice such a travellers know that New Delhi is a popular religious destinations. It has the presence of many historical Sikh temple, some century old Hindu temples, popular Muslim mosque like Jama Masjid, Birla temnple, Lotous temple, One of the world largest Aksaidam temple, kalkaji temple, etc. So to put some light on this post I would like to share my temple visit to delhi and how to reach to that temples in this posting.
At Ramakrishna(R.K) Marg. In New delhi lot of Hotels to stay at various budget available from that reference  I am giving the route guide to various places.
In New delhi from RK marg. Nearby Birla temple, hanuman mandir and parilment house, rastrapathi bhavan are easily accessible by auto.
After ward from RK marg metro railway station you can go to Red port and visit there near by Jain mandir, Gowri sankar temples just opposite to Red port. And Nili chatri temple near by there and Raj ghat.
Then from Chandini chouk catch metro train and get down at Rajjiv chouk and change to another metro train proceed to Akshardam, after visitng akshar dam by road you can go to Lotus temple and its nearby kalkaji temples via Humuyans tomp. From here you can proceed to Hauz Khas and visit Jagannath temple after visitng Jagannath templ catch metro train here and go to shani temple, then Yogmaya temple and then Qutub minar, there after Chittrapur temple and back to RK marg.
From RK marg go to ISKAN TEMPLE about 18km and its nearby attraction as per your convenience.
1.Birla Temple in New Delhi
It also known as Lakshmi Narayan Mandir, Birla Mandir is a popular temple in Delhi. This temple was built in 1939 by J.K Birla a famous Indian industrialist. The temple is dedicated to Hindu god Vishnu. Not many know that Birla Mandir Delhi was inaugurate by the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi and he agreed to inaugurate this temple on one condition that if it allows people of all caste to visit it.The temple area is more than 7 acre and it has many shrines, lovely fountains and big gardens. There is a separate room for those who wants to read Gita. The major attraction of the temple is the festival of Diwali which is also referred as festival of light.
2. Hanuman Mandir, New Delhi
This is one of the most popular Hanuman temples in the country and it is situated in the Baba Kharak Singh Marg. which is located in Connaught Place. This oldest temple was constructed by Maharaja Jai Singh in the year 1724, since then this temple has been restored several times. Hanuman is considered to be the one, HE provides strength and power among the Hindu gods and that is why this temple is well to  the people all over the country.

4. Sri Digambar Jain Mandir
The Sri Digambar Jain Mandir, Delhi is the oldest temple in the city and it was built-in the 16th century during the Mughal rule. This temple is situated opposite to the Red Fort just 6km from RK marg  of new delhi.

5. Gauri Shankar Temple
The Gauri Shankar temple is built-in the memory of Lord Shiva and it is known for the 800-year old brown lingam. This temple is situated in the Old Delhi Region just opposite to Red port. This Brown lingam is made of phallus stone. The structure of the lingam is surrounded by snakes and it represents the cosmic pillar and the center of the universe.


7. Nili Chhatri Temple
Thre Nili Chhatri Temple is dedicated to the Lord Shiva is one of the oldest Shiva temple in the city. According to Hindu mythology, the Prince Yudhisthira of the pandanus actually constructed this temple long time back. The temple is located in the Baharadur Shahi Gate area. There is also a tomb of Naubat Khan. The temple is very popular one because of its historical importance and also because of its religious importance.
8.Raj ghat.
9.Akshardham Temple in Delhi
Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple is a marvelous example of  oldest Indian culture and history. It is 11km away from Hanuman temple. The aim of Akshardham Temple is to represent ancient India traditions, architecture, art & spiritual message. This temple was built in 2005 and near about 11,000 artisans have constructed this huge and beautiful structure. Since 2005 Akshardham temple has become a symbol of India’s history and ancient culture and one of the largest Hindu temple in the world. The finest working of porches and various doms underneath architect and sculpture work and various design made in marble stone not able to explain by words you must see this wonder with your own eyes. The temple foundation side wall has been made up of various sculpture which descripe purana events like elephants how associated with worship of God is very nice to see. This temple attracts  almost all travelers who visit Delhi and it is was a center of attraction during 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi for many devotees. The temple inside you can spent time to see Neelkanth Kalyan Yatra, Yagnapurush Kund (musical fountain), Bharat Upavan (Garden of India), Yogi Hraday Kamal (lotus shaped garden) and much more.

10. Kali Bari Mandir,
Kali Bari Mandir, it is located just near by akshardam temple. Delhi’s one of the famous Kali temples in the country. This temple is constructed years back dedicating to Goddess Kali. The temple is a very sacred place for the Bengali community that resides in the city. During the festive season, there are many people who visit this temple every year and especially during the Durga Puja season.
11. Lotus temple in Delhi
This temple is 12km away from the akshardam temple you can go via Humayns tomb .Lotus temple is one of my favorite destination as it promotes the message of communal harmony. Lotus temple is a Bahai House of Worship which was completed in the year 1986. This is a lotus  flower about to blossom like structure and is also known as the Mother Temple of Indian subcontinent. It has won many awards for the architecture and has been featured in many popular magazines around the world.This temples are open to people of all faith and it does not discriminate any human being on the basis of religion. Hence in Lotus temple you will notice peoples from Hinduism, Sikhism etc sitting together and offering prayers to a same god with just different names. Whether you call almighty as Allah or Ram, finally he/ she is one and one only you can realize while mediate here.

12. Kalkaji Temple
This old temple is located near the commercial complex of Nehru Place in Delhi. This temple is dedicated to Lord Kalka Devi and is one of the oldest in the country. There is a twelve side dome. This temple was built in the year 1771 and these days the Marathas was in power. This temple is very important for its historical and structural significance.

V.Qutub minar near by temples
13. The Jagannath Temple
The Jagannath Temple in the city is one of the popular temples that are built by the Oriya community in the state. This temple is situated in the Hauz Khas it fallas 5.9km juat ahead while proceeding from new delhi to qutub minar, where every year rate yatras are held. This temple is very popular among the people all over the country and especially during the radiators thousands of devotee visits this temple. 
14. Shani Dham Temple
The Shani Dham Temple is one of the most famous Shani temples in the city and is very popular among the devotees. This temple is dedicated to O Lord Shani. The largest statue of Lord Shani is here in the temple. This temple is situated on Chhatarpur Road and is 3km ahead from the Qutub minar while proceding from new delhi. The temple is very popular because of the natural rock idol of Shani debate. Every year many devotees visit this temple.
15. Yogmaya Temple
The Yogmaya Temple is also known as the Jogmaya temple. This temple is a very old temple and is dedicated to Goddess Yogmaya. The temple is situated in the Mehrauli region of New Delhi. This temple is a 1.2 km away from the famous Kutub Minar. This is one of the temples that were destroyed by the Ghazni and later by the Mamluks. There were total 27 temples that were destroyed by the Ghazni and later by the Mamluks. But since then, the temple was renovated and is still in use. There are many devotees that visit the temple every year. There are many such facts about the temple that are very interesting and the temple is also part of an important part of the history.
16. Chattarpur Mandir
This temple is near to the world famous monument the Qutub Minar and it is almost 4 km away from the minar. This temple is situated in the Mehrauli area of Delhi. It architect comprises both South Indian architect and North Indian architect.
 17. Sikh temples in Delhi
Not many know that Delhi is a holy city for Sikhs as the city has the presence of 10 historical Sikh temples which are referred as Gurdwaras. These are:
  • Nanak Piau Sahib
  • Majnu Tilla Sahib
  • Bangla Sahib
  • Bala Sahib
  • Sis Ganj Sahib
  • Rakab Ganj Sahib
  • Moti Bagh Sahib
  • Damdama Sahib
  • Mata Sundari
  • Baba Banda Singh Bahadur
In Gurdwaras the spirit of equality is at its peek and people from all faith, culture and creed sits on the ground and eat food with a peace of mind.

18. Sheetla Devi Temple
This is one of the most popular temples in the country and is situated in the city of Gurgaon, Haryana. The temple is very famous and every year there are many pilgrims that visit the temple. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Sheetla Devi.
19. Iskcon Temple in Delhi
ISKCON – International Society for Krishna Consciousness is a spiritual mission which was started in 1966 by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This temple is 18 km from RK marg it is in hard direction form here.Goal of this society is to promote spiritual knowledge and educate techniques via which one can  understand the real value of human life and peace. This mission preaches based on the writings of Bhagavad Gita which are more than 5000 year old and teaches the real essence of human life, death and importance Karma.