Thursday 29 December 2016


God Name-Vaidyanath, 
The Ravana bulit the ancient  temple during  Ramayana period and it has been named in the name of hunter as Pijunath who made regular Pooja to this lingam.Latter on this name has been converted as Vaidyanath in practice.The Mouriya and Gupta kings maintained this temple well in those days.The main lingam his 11’’ height

This temple has got 21 Shrines in its premises for  Parvathi,Jagath janani, Ganesh, Brhama, Santhiya devi, Kala biravar, Anjaneyar, Mansadevi, Saraswathi, Sun, Bhagaladevi, Ramlakshmana janaki, Gangajanvi, Ananda Biravar, Gourisankar, Narmadeshwara mahadevar, Dharadevi, Kali, Annapurna, Lakshminarayana and Neelakandeshwaran.

Get into the Delhi-Howarh-Chennai train and alight at jasetive railway station from their 6 km by road you can reach deogarh temple. It is 281 kms from Patna as well as 230 km from Jamshedpur from asunsul 70km only.
The Ravanan king to get stable pleasure life, to become stornger than all and not to be destroy hin by any warior in this world.To get the aforesaid, he made Tabus towards Lord siva and chant the Lord Siva Mantras for 10 crores times finally he decided to cut his left out one head also,  whilst the Almighty appeared  and offered him the varam of his desire.He  want to test his power as per Saint Narda Advice he try to remove Kailayam hills and shift the same to srilanga.It had created lot of shake to kailaya hills due to that the  Devi and lord siva were got disturbed and cursed Ravana as your hands wil be get cut by one of my of Mahapurush going to get Avatar in this world soon.The lord by his left leg thump finger pressed the kailayam hill to settle back.The Ravana hands trapped in the bottom of the hill.As per Vagesa saint advice the Ravana sang the Samaveda by hearing his nice Samaveda ryhmes lord siva got pleasure mode and rscued the Ravana from this tragedy.Upon hearing his statement in the desire  to keep HIM in lanka he try to remove the kailayam pl. forgive my lord for this blind mistakes.Siva had offered him Atma linga on one condition basis.i.e He should not keep this lingam in the floor on the way while proceeding to srilanka upon reaching lanka ask him to install it there and make a regular prayer  to this linga you will not get defeated by any one.
The Saint Narada conveyed this enriched power will be attained by Ravana when he install the Atma lingam in lanka.In order to avoid this is to happen  INDIRAN seeks  VISHNU  help and the VISHNU gave an idea to VARUNA to make Ravana feel thrust and fill his stomach with water  due to this Ravana felt urine.The Ravana tried manyways not to keep linga in the floor, but due to urine emergency he requested one boy(Vishnu came as boy ) come on this way to hold this lingam went for urinal.By the time he returun back the lingam has been kept in place called Sitapoomela present day Vaidyanath temple premises in Deogarh.On his return Ravana found the lingam in the floor he try to remove since it is Jothilingam not able to shack by Ravana finaaly he left the lingam there and went to Lanka.After several years back while his return to india he found this lingam has been maitained by Pijunath(hunter)  on his request he made one well called chandirakoop you can find this now also and built the temple too named after this hunter name.
Chandirakoop well
In the sarvan month (June to August months) people bring ganga Kavadi from 107Km distance to this temple for Iswar  Abisekam purpose.During this period the Lord Siva had poison and kept it in his throat due to that his body become warm to cool HIM  the linga has been washed with ganga water latter on with vilva tree leaves it is covered. It is believed it cools HIS body  i.e lacks of people took holy kavadi during this period.The devotee chant with Mantra of  Boolo bum—Boolo bum—Boola bum  all the way and carry out the Ganga kavadi procession.

The Statue of Ravana with his 10 head. It is revealed in our scared books Ravana carried out tabus in this place and got Atma lingam from lord Siva.
1.Sultan gunge 2.Siva Ganga 3.Bakshinath mandir 4.Trikut parvath
5.Navlaka mandir 6.Sri Sri mohan mandir 7.Nandan hill 8.Ankulthakur satsang
9.Navadurga temple 10.Satsungnagar 11.Pagal baba ashram

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